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Minneapolis, MN With the speed at which modern business moves it has become more and more important to be able to access information quickly and efficiently. A company that does not have that...
View ArticleCB Investments Discusses Home Mortgage Rates
Huntington Beach, CA - Home ownership is an item on many people's list of New Year's resolutions, and the time could not be better to take advantage of low interest rates with the help of Huntington...
View ArticleValentin Software Launches Simulation Programme with New Features for...
The Berlin-based software company Valentin is launching its programme PV*SOL Expert 6.0 R7 today. The new software enables users to plan and visualise roof-integrated, roof-top and free-standing plants...
View ArticleOn the Safe Side with LAN Measurement Technology by bmcm
Safety has been a desirable state for people at all times, because it eliminates risks and dangers, which might interfere with their well-being and progress. Not a day goes by without this subject...
View ArticleVossloh Kiepe Austria is awarded a tramcar contract by Gmunden, Austria
The consortium Vossloh Kiepe Austria and Vossloh Rail Vehicles has been awarded a contract for the supply of eleven tramcars to Gmunden in Upper Austria. Vossloh Kiepe Austria is the consortium...
View Gives Companies Module Options
Minneapolis, MN January 14, 2014Customer relationship management, or CRM, is a growing trend in modern business, and SugarCRM stands out as one of the most popular services on the market. The thing...
View ArticleFission Hits Largest Composite Off-Scale Recorded at PLS 36.72m Total...
Fission Hits Largest Composite Off-Scale Recorded at PLS 36.72m Total Composite "Off-Scale" (Line 600E) 111.5m total composite mineralization KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Jan. 27, 2014) - FISSION...
View ArticleCabinet Magic Announces New Year, New Cabinets Promotion
La Habra, CA The home remodeling boom is expected to be bigger than ever in 2014. With mortgage rates continuing to climb, more families are choosing to remodel their current home rather than move...
View ArticleGernot Seeger named second managing partner of Beta LAYOUT
In early January 2014, Gernot Seeger was named as the second managing director of Beta LAYOUT GmbH, a leading manufacturer and service provider in the field of prototype PCBs and small-scale PCB...
View ArticleIHSE Matrix Grid revolutionizes KVM cascading
IHSE a worldwide leading manufacturer of advanced KVM products announces the release of Matrix Grid firmware to dynamically couple up to 16 KVM matrix switches in a virtual super-matrix. KVM Matrix...
View ArticleCal Banyan Offers Accelerated Hypnosis Course
Tustin, California The New Year is here, but there is still time for those who want to train as a professional hypnotherapist to do so with Cal Banyans accelerated hypnosis course at The Banyan...
View ArticleChris Heavens Files Lawsuit Based on Hazing Injuries
Clay County, West Virginia - Chris Heavens, a Charleston personal injury attorney located on the web at , has filed a case involving alleged hazing and assault of a Clay County High...
Somewhere on is the winery's SECRET WINE. Click around on different objects and, if you have some wine luck, you'll find it. But don't look on the navigation, because it's...
View ArticleSkilled Cosmetic Dentists in San Diego
San Diego, CA -- Cosmetic dental services should be chosen carefully. They can beautify the oral appearance or destroy it. Choosing a skilled and well-established dentist service is crucial. When it...
View ArticleChris Heavens Recovers $900K for Accident Victim
Bensalem, Pennsylvania A man lost his ability to support himself and his family when self-employed flooring contractor Joseph Keys suffered an accident at the Keystone Floor Products Co. warehouse....
View ArticleKampfsport in München?
Der positive Nebeneffekt von Kampfsport: Ganz nebenbei ist Wing Chun WT eines der effektivsten Selbstverteidigungssysteme, welches Dir Schutz gegen unbewaffnete und bewaffnete Angriffe jeglicher Art...
View ArticleMarco Triesch Introduces Fully Automated Lead and Sales Closing System for...
Marco Triesch, a network builder expert, introduces a fully automated lead and sales closing system for the MLM market. This is a new money making system that is designed to help marketers online...
View ArticleSan Gold Reports 2013 Production Results
San Gold Reports 2013 Production Results WINNIPEG, MANITOBA 01/23/14 -- San Gold Corporation (TSX: SGR)(OTCQX: SGRCF) today announced preliminary results of operations at its Rice Lake Mining Complex...
View ArticleOne App Cloud Makes Application Development on Cloud Quick and Easy
Businesses can now create their applications on Cloud easily using One App Cloud platform. The One App Cloud platform is packed with features and components that offer the flexibility to create...
View ArticleBITZER at the long-standing HVAC-R Expo in Tokyo
The focus of BITZER?s presence at the 38th HVAC&R Expo in Japan will be on the reciprocating compressors of the NEW ECOLINE and OCTAGON CO2 series, ORBIT 6 and ORBIT 8 scroll compressors and...
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